It is a basic piece that just about everyone has in their closet: a decent pair of jeans. Do you want to enjoy your favorite jeans for as long as possible? Handle with care is the message. With these (washing) tips you can keep them beautiful for longer.


Some wash jeans after every wear, others wait much longer. One thing is certain, never washing is not an option, because dirty jeans wear out faster. In addition, the fibers can literally dry out if you never bring them into contact with water.


  1. Don’t wash your jeans too often

The more often you wash jeans, the faster the color fades and the fit becomes less beautiful. Yes, you can safely let it pass for two months before you throw the pants in the washing machine. Doubt? Then it’s time to do some laundry.


  1. Turn your jeans inside out

… before you put them in the washing machine. The reason? Then only the inside will rub against the drum and it will wear out less quickly. Another tip: tie them up and close the zipper.


  1. Wash at 30°

Do not wash jeans too warm – 30° is good – and do not overdo it with washing products. Definitely go for a detergent for (dark) colors, so that your jeans remain beautiful blue. Always read the label, because some jeans books have to be washed at a different temperature. Preferably do not use fabric softener – stretch pants do not like it at all, because the fibers wear out extra quickly.


  1. Do not fill the washing drum

If you overload the washing machine, the clothes can no longer tumble and sway properly. It is best that your jeans can be turned around loosely, so you have less chance of wrinkles and stripes. And you risk damaging other garments with the button and zipper.


  1. Ironing is not necessary!

Not a fan of the iron? Cheer, jump, dance, because ironing jeans isn’t really necessary. If you do, turn them inside out.

Tip: in the freezer instead of washing? Myth!

It is sometimes claimed that you can put jeans in the freezer and that they are completely fresh afterwards. Do not believe! In the freezer, bacteria do indeed stop multiplying, but when you take the pants out, they continue where they left off. In other words, ‘washing’ your jeans in the freezer or outside in the freezing cold won’t help. Your pants won’t get any cleaner.