Spraying perfume doesn’t look too troublesome like applying makeup . However, don’t take this for granted. Spraying the wrong perfume makes it not last long or gives off a strange smell. Here are 7 mistakes that are often made when spraying perfume.

1. Rubbing wrists after spraying perfume

7 Common Perfume Spraying Mistakes

The perfume is formulated with three aroma parts, namely top, middle and base notes . When you rub your wrists after spraying perfume, it can reduce the resistance of the perfume.

2. Spray on the wrist only

7 Common Perfume Spraying Mistakes

The smell of perfume can be smelled perfectly thanks to body temperature. So, so that the aroma is maximum, spray it on other body areas such as the neck, elbows, chest, and above the ears.

3. Don’t use moisturizer before spraying perfume

7 Common Perfume Spraying Mistakes

If you want the perfume to last all day, make sure to use a moisturizer before spraying perfume. Moisturizers can make perfume scent last longer.

4. Spray perfume on clothes

7 Common Perfume Spraying Mistakes

Indeed, there is nothing wrong with spraying perfume on clothes, but for maximum results you should not do it. This method will actually make the fragrance of the perfume fade faster.

7 Common Perfume Spraying Mistakes

Most people still think if you spray a lot of perfume the results will be better. This method actually makes the aroma become too strong. Just spray it on the areas of the body that have been mentioned before.

6. Using more than one perfume

7 Common Perfume Spraying Mistakes

Each perfume is produced and has a different level of aroma. Some perfumes are made with strong scents and others are very gentle. You need to consider this before you want to mix the aroma. Instead, avoid combining two strong scented perfumes because it will only make the other person who smells it dizzy.

7 Common Perfume Spraying Mistakes

Before you buy a perfume that looks like your friend, family or best friend, consider this first. Each perfume will react differently on the body of another person.