Combining clothes; not always that simple. We give you 7 tips with which you can create a super cool outfit with different prints and colors.

Start with one (special) item of clothing

If you find it difficult to combine clothes, it is in fact the most obvious to start with a basic piece of clothing, a black blouse for example, or jeans. Fine of course, but you can also turn it around! So start your outfit with a special piece of clothing, a jacket made of a special material, a skirt with a busy print or a boot with glitter. From there you can put together the rest of the set and there is a good chance that you will really create a super cool outfit this way!

The 60 / 30 / 10 rule

Combining colors in your clothes actually works (almost) the same as combining colors in your interior. In an outfit it is of course important that the colors look good on you. Certain color combinations simply always work well . You can also use the 60 / 30 / 10 rule(also) apply it to your outfit. This means that you let your outfit consist of three colors, which make you come back in different ‘concentrations’. You choose a color that you use in 60% percent of your outfit, another color that you use for 30% and finally ‘something’ in the third color. That can be an accessory, or a scarf, or, for example, a collar or sleeves of a blouse that you can show above and below a sweater. In the example below chosen pink and blue as the base colors, and  have used green as the accent color, in the necklace. Do you see how striking such a detail is?

Monochrome colors in clothes

What also works well is combining items of clothing in one particular color, but in different shades. And did you know that you also look slimmer when you wear an outfit in one and the same color that makes you come back in different shades? So, for example, go for a dark blue skirt and a light blue blouse.

Combining prints in your clothes

Combining prints in clothing generally works the same as combining prints in your interior. The golden rule for mixing prints in your clothes is to mix and match prints of different sizes; a small flower with a wide stripe, for example. It is often important to ensure that the colors of the different patterns match. Below is a wide stripe in the bag combined with a small print in the blouse.

Combining different models of clothing

Of course, we all want to wear clothes that are comfortable, but that also best suit our figure. We are quickly inclined to hide things we are insecure about, for example our tummy or our fat buttocks. We often disguise those zones in loose clothing, but often loose clothing is counterproductive and does not flatter our figure. It is much better to combine a loose garment with a tight garment. If you want to hide your tummy, go for high, tight pants with, for example, a slightly longer, wide-fitting A-line top and possibly a jacket over it.

Vary with accessories

We all have our favorite pieces of clothing,  If you like to wear that one black dress, always alternate with accessories and be creative with it. Here are some tips for combining accessories with your clothing; wear different jewelry, combine your outfit with a scarf, put on a jacket, a poncho or a shawl, wear different shoes, a different bag, wear a bow or a scarf in your hair, wear a hat or tights with a color or a pattern. Also with a waist belt or a nice hat can you really upgrade your outfit. Another tip could be to wear something ‘unexpected’ over your favorite piece of clothing. For example, have you ever worn a sweater over your favorite dress? Let the collar of the dress stick out at the top, just like your sleeves. Same dress, but with a completely different effect! Or try wearing a blouse underneath!

Put on clothes before you judge

We all have certain ideas in our heads about what suits us and what doesn’t. Try to let go of these ideas a little more often when you try to match sets in your own wardrobe , but also try this while shopping!  Also remember; What’s the worst that can happen if you put on an outfit that doesn’t suit you? Right. Nothing! You take it off and try something else.