
Don’t save. Really good jeans that you want to live in, that always look good and that last a long time – and you want that, when it comes to your favorite jeans – you won’t find them (new) for just a few bucks. 


So go to the best store there is: De Rode Winkel in Utrecht. They have the largest range of jeans in Europe, the largest Levi’s range in the world (in short, there are 7000 pants on the shelves) and most importantly, they employ the best people who will have you in the best pants in no time. .


Buy the smallest size that closes. Really. Wriggling yourself into brand new jeans can be hard work. And hard work always pays off: after 2 days the jeans are completely formed to your body and they fit perfectly. 
You ALWAYS run out of jeans (and washing them makes them even wider, but more on that later), because there is constant pressure on the fabric. So the size that is comfortable now is becoming too big. The size that is tight now will be nice. Promised. 


Make sure you can still breathe of course. Sure. But I buy them so tight that I have the pants on the first day at home with the top button open. And I’ve also had bruised hip bones. But that all passed and I’ve only had perfect favorite jeans!


Very important: make sure that the cross is really in your crotch. It may sound a bit strange, but if you already notice that the crotch is a few centimeters lower, don’t think that if you walk it off, you can pull the pants all the way up. Nope. You are now wearing a model whose legs are too narrow on the thigh. They always look for the place of least resistance and that is: downwards. So this model is simply made for a different figure. There’s nothing wrong with that, but these aren’t your pants. Just continue fitting, on to the next pair of pants!


Wash your pants as little as possible. Jeans are made of cotton. Cotton fibers are hollow, which means that they absorb and swell completely during washing, like a sponge. When the pants dry again, the fibers shrink back to their original size, but …. that decreases after a few washes. And that ensures that your pants sit perfectly straight from your drying rack, but fall off your butt after half a day.
Really, wash your pants as little as possible. Hang it outside or put it in the freezer overnight. This way you get all the odors out and you kill all the bacteria. Only throw it in the wash if you have real stains.


In terms of style, look especially at what you like, what you feel good in, which makes you think “Fietfieuw!” when you look in the mirror. Be aware of what you miss at home: is that a nice blue one? Or a sexy black one? Or a rock ‘n roll gray? Do you feel most comfortable in skinny jeans? go for it! Always good! Do you want hip & elegant: go for super high with flared legs. Want to be daring all the way? Choose my favourite: an 80’s or 90’s mom style: high at the waist, high water, chunky denim, button closure and completely wide legs. It’s up to you!