An overflowing wardrobe, and still nothing to wear? Often this is because we have too many clothes in the closet that we simply never wear, for a reason of course. If you want more overview in your wardrobe and less frustration in the morning, remove these items of clothing from your wardrobe immediately.

Clothes you never wear

Clothes that you have not worn for more than a year, ie four seasons, can actually be thrown out of your closet right now. We deliberately say ‘after a year’ because then at least you no longer have the excuse that you ‘will put it on again in the summer’. Clothes that you never wear, you no longer wear for a specific reason; You don’t feel comfortable in it, it doesn’t fit (well), you have nothing to combine it with or it just doesn’t fit. Do you really have a lot of clothes and do you find it difficult to decide what to wear and what not to wear? Then there is a handy tip for that; hang or put all the clothes you wear on one side of the wardrobe for a while. After a few months it may be a lot clearer for you what you like to wear, and what you don’t.

Clothes that don’t fit

We think it is recognizable for a lot of women that they have clothes in their closet that don’t really fit (well). You leave the clothes hanging in the back of your mind that they will fit on a good day, but it can be so extremely frustrating to open your closet every day and see clothes hanging or lying around that just don’t fit right now. Remove all clothing that does not fit from your wardrobe. If you don’t want to get rid of it, then temporarily store it somewhere else, but at least this way you no longer have that daily frustration.

Shoes that don’t fit

 You are not doing yourself any favors with shoes that are not comfortable. So throw out your shoes that don’t fit well today. The same goes for clothes that don’t fit well or comfortably.

Broken clothes or shoes

Sweaters with holes, cardigans with a broken zipper, shoes with a worn heel, tights with ladders; all things that you should throw out of your closet right now. They are things that you can no longer carry, so they only take up unnecessary space.

Garments that you have double

we all have certain items of clothing of which we have several; basic shirts, jeans, black dresses, you name it. There’s nothing ‘wrong’ with that, of course, especially when you wear basics like this regularly and always have backups when something is in the wash. But we also all have ‘double garments’ of which we always take that one item of clothing, because the other is ‘less comfortable’. So immediately throw out all items of clothing that you have unnecessarily duplicated.

Surplus of clothes to ‘lounge’ or ‘do odd jobs’ in

Delicious of course; clothes for lounging in, but of course you don’t need twenty-five Netflix pants, nor eighteen pants that might come in handy if you decide to paint the walls. Limit this type of clothing and throw the rest out of your closet.

Clothes with a memory you will never wear again

Many items of clothing have a memory; on your first date, on your wedding, the day you got that terrible or just that fantastic news. Or clothes that you may have received from someone. Even if you never wear those clothes again, you still see those clothes hanging every day when you open your wardrobe. Why would you keep those clothes in your wardrobe anyway? Especially if you have sad memories of certain clothes (and I’m sure we all have such clothes!), take it out of your closet so that it doesn’t make you sad every day. For example, take pictures of it. And do you have clothes, shoes or accessories that make you very happy, but that you will never wear again? Maybe you can do something creative with it? Your (wedding) jewelry under a bell jar, a piece of fabric from a (wedding) dress in a frame,

Bags that nothing fits in

 All bags that are not practical can immediately leave your wardrobe.