If you want a variation on breakfast or snacks, you might want to check out the Chia seeds. This nutritious superfood makes it easy to make a variety of spoonable treats!

Chia seeds themselves do not taste much at all, so they are easy to add to smoothies or porridge, for example, to bring structure and increase the nutritional value of a meal. Seeds are rich in good fats, protein and fiber. In addition, they are a great source of omega 3 and 6 fatty acids, magnesium, iron and calcium.

Chia pudding

3 tablespoons Chia seeds
2 dl soy milk
2 dl soy yogurt
berries or fruit to taste

Mix the Chia seeds and soy milk together and refrigerate for at least a few hours – preferably overnight. If possible, it is advisable to stir the mixture at times if possible. When the mixture has coagulated, mix it evenly with the yoghurt. Add the side dishes you want and enjoy!

The recipe can be easily applied by exchanging the most suitable milk and yoghurt for it. Chia seeds swell and soften in the liquid, so it is recommended to soak them before use. That’s why Chia pudding is worth making even a bigger sat at a time in the fridge, making it easy to use as part of your diet.