There is no mandatory rule whether to wear perfume or not when in the office, but wearing or not wearing perfume can greatly affect people’s perception of you, Bela.

Interestingly, not only women, sometimes men also wear perfume, so this does not lead to only one group. Some office areas have a workplace that must be odor-free. But of course, on the other hand, many employees deliberately use perfume to explain their identity. 

Do You Need to Wear Perfume at the Office?

A research company called Global Industry Analysts explained that in 2015 there was an increase of US $ 33 million due to perfume purchases due to urbanization and higher personal  branding .

There is no written prohibition not to wear perfume in the office, but it is important not to wear too much perfume during a job interview. For you, Bela, who are now working and the majority are in the office, check first whether your friends also wear perfume while in the office or even if your office has special regulations for all kinds of odors, especially for those of you who work in the health sector.

Do You Need to Wear Perfume at the Office?


If indeed some of your friends are wearing perfume, then there’s nothing wrong with exploring fragrances but don’t overdo it to annoy other employees. 

Perfume is often a special concern for employees who work more in the office especially those who are always dealing with clients because this is a need for identity. The relationship between perfume and fashion is also closely related, therefore the majority of fashionable people usually wear perfume.

Do You Need to Wear Perfume at the Office?

In essence, there is nothing wrong with wearing perfume but use it sparingly and not excessively. Something with positive intentions will at least have an impact on those around you.