With the beautiful weather of the past few days, we know for sure: winter clothing can definitely make way for summer items with lots of color and cool prints. To give you a helping hand, we highlight four trends that you cannot ignore this summer.

1. The mini skirt

Not that you should ditch all your maxi skirts and dresses this summer – quite the contrary – but next season the mini skirt will be the star. From ‘decent’ minis with matching jackets and A-line skirts to tiny micro skirts: the mini skirt comes in all shapes and sizes.

2. Matching sets

The matching set trend has been a thing for several seasons and this summer you will also be stealing the show in a two-piece set. Funcky for a night out, relaxed for a day off or on the contrary businesslike and classy for a day at the office: matching sets can be done anywhere and at any time.

3. Green

Nature is in bloom and so is fashion. Green is one of the trend colors of the season, an optimistic color that makes you happy and is also easy to style. After all, with a strong base color you can safely keep the rest a bit more sober without thinking: green speaks for itself and furthermore with few frills.

4. Duo color prints

In terms of prints, things are going in all directions this season – everything is possible and everything is allowed – although combining so much exuberance and colors can lead to headaches, because how do you know whether that one print is a good match with a certain color? Simple, by choosing duo color prints: always the right combo and very trending.