Is your skin ready for spring? Get rid of your winter skin with these 4 handy tips: care, protect and fake a little bit!

Get rid of your winter skin

we are probably only ready for spring. Go outside with those bare legs and feel the first spring sun on our skin. Your skin doesn’t have it easy in the winter either. It is cold outside and the heating is on everywhere inside. Often, during the winter, the skin looks dry, dull, and does not feel comfortable. Not to mention the absence of a radiant glow. We give you four tips to make your skin shine again, get rid of your winter skin!


A basic skincare routine should really always consist of three steps; clean, care and protect. Cleaning speaks for itself, by caring  of course using a moisturizer that actually suits your skin. Dehydrated skin has a lack of moisture and therefore especially benefits from moisturizing ingredients such as glycerine and hyaluronic acid. Dry skin is especially deficient in fats and is especially happy with nourishing textures such as butters and oils. If you don’t normally have very dry skin, that can be different in the winter. Sometimes a layer of Vaseline can work wonders. The Cetomacrogol cream that you can get at the pharmacy without a prescription can also do wonders for very dry skin, even with sheets. We regularly hear from people that they have a tight skin after cleansing, but that they ‘still use a cream’. Then take a critical look at your cleanser. This one may be too drying and is just too intense for your skin. You should not use a moisturizer to compensate for the drying effect of a cleanser. A cleanser should not dry out your skin in the first place.

Get rid of your winter skin by exfoliating or exfoliating

The way to make your skin glow again is to use a scrub or exfoliant . With a scrub you ‘scour’ the dead skin cells off your skin, as it were, while with an exfoliant you use fruit acids, which loosen the dead skin cells from your skin. You can do this, for example, with glycolic acid or salicylic acid. The golden rule when using fruit acids is that you do this with care. Start with once a week. It is also important to protect your skin against the harmful effects of the sun. So use such a product, for example, in the evening and not before going out into the sun. There are also lotions and essences with glycolic acid .You apply this to your skin after cleansing. You should always use a scrub on skin that is already damp.

A humidifier

During the winter, the humidity in your house is often lower. Not only are you more prone to ailments if you keep breathing dry air, your skin is definitely not happy about it either! Consider a humidifier . By the way, there are quite a few myths about water and your skin. Unfortunately, exposing your skin to water does not literally hydrate your skin. On the contrary; lying in the bath for a long time or taking a (too) hot shower will only dry out your skin. Drinking (a lot of) water will unfortunately not improve your skin. What is a fact is that you will notice it on your skin if you really drink too little water. Your skin will literally dry out if you don’t drink water.

Use a primer

The right makeup can also do wonders for your skin. Keep in mind, of course, that you won’t get there with just make-up. By ensuring that you protect and care for your skin and maintain the humidity in the house, you can of course create the finishing touch with make-up. For a beautiful glow We always swear by a blusher and a primer. A primer is not a replacement for your day cream, you always use the products in combination with each other. They literally provide a good base for your make-up, so that you can not only apply your make-up more easily, but a primer will also make the make-up more beautiful.