It is possible to get rid of sugar addiction in a short time. In order for a person to achieve a lasting change in their lifestyle, the perpetrators of uncontrolled lust must be identified and treated.

 Many people think that there is nothing to do for sweet lust. In fact, there is always a clear reason for it, and by correcting it, the craving for sweets goes out quickly.

Asparagus has helped thousands of Finns adopt a healthier diet at their reception.

The main reason for craving for sweets is the fluctuating blood sugar level and this also applies to emotional eaters.

Pay attention to the preparation of the meal

Underlying diabetes dependence is often ignorance of how to prepare a meal that is ideal for health and blood sugar levels.

– Many people think they get enough fiber because they eat a lot of vegetables. In reality, vegetables are very modest importers of fiber, and they are not enough to achieve a steady blood sugar level.

– Misleading labeling also suggests that the diet is high in fiber, when in fact it is not. Soon the mind becomes sweet and tired and the control of eating becomes more difficult later.


Please remember to take care of a suitable meal interval. 

Studies show that the low amount of fiber and protein in lunch in particular causes craving for sweetness later in the day. In practice, many people get too many carbohydrates from their food, but too little fiber and protein. For example, traditional box foods can make blood sugar cut.

– An ideal meal has the right amount of fiber, protein and good fats. When you want to get rid of cravings, it’s a good idea to consider how your meal could be slightly modified to keep your blood sugar more even.

– Rejecting all carbohydrates is not a long-term solution, and low fiber intake makes frost on the intestinal microbiota, which affects health and weight management.

Excessively long meal intervals should be avoided and it is important to always eat a snack between lunch and dinner. It is also worth paying attention to the choice of a snack, as a piece of fruit or a piece of bread, for example, is not always the best option.

– Many people are sensitive to carbohydrates, ie they react more strongly than average to the raising and lowering effect of carbohydrates on blood sugar. For this reason, a mere piece of fruit or a piece of bread can even drive you into a craving for sweets.

– You should add so-called carbohydrate brakes, such as nuts, to such a snack.

How do you identify your sugar addiction?

Even if you eat a little sweet every day, that still doesn’t mean you’re on a sugar hook. Read below about which signs you recognize for your sugar dependence.

  • the use of sugar is not under your control, but sugar is under your control
  • you eat sweet in large quantities every day or almost every day
  • you may eat sweet on an empty stomach and even substitute it for snacks or at worst meals

After the meal you can eat a little sweet

– The goal is to follow a healthy diet for the rest of your age and it may contain small amounts of sugar. A completely delicious meal is considered boring by many. And it’s good to remember that focusing solely on avoiding sugar will only treat the symptoms of cravings for a short time.


In everyday baking, you can learn to make gourmet recipes healthier and more blood sugar-free without sacrificing taste or texture.

If the mind makes sweet, it can be eaten with a good conscience in small amounts after a healthy meal even daily.

– It can be, for example, a piece or two of chocolate or a couple of small salmias. However, in the case of hunger, it is not worth grabbing the treat, because when the blood sugar is low, the treat is out of control.

You should also take care of a balanced diet on the weekends.

– Once a week you can have a candy day, but even then it is essential to choose a smaller package of sweets. At the weekend, you can eat a hundred or 120 gram bag of candy after a well-prepared meal, for example.

Home bakers can be delighted that there is no need to give up the baking hobby either. However, Sermon is encouraged to consider how to make baking healthier than before.

– For example, a homemade fibrous oatmeal pie can be a good snack with coffee, for example at two or three in the afternoon.

Tips for healthier baking

  • add as many berries and fiber sources as possible
  • replace some or all of the wheat flour with 100% oatmeal
  • convert fat grades to healthier ones
  • use as much sugar as necessary

Almost all people have a preference for sweets. However, sweet preference and sweet craving are two different things. Relief for a small craving for sweets can be obtained by eating berries and fruits with natural sugars, for example, or chewing gum. However, it is important to understand what the craving for sweets is, as it never appears suddenly for no apparent reason.

 Couple of options for treats with added sugar.

– For example, chocolate-coated berries are a better option than candies. A few small dates and nuts at the same time cause a more even blood sugar level than just sugary and carbohydrate candies.

Important! Remember that foods and foods that contain natural sugars should not be avoided. For example, fresh berries and fruits contain numerous health-promoting ingredients. The longer the list of ingredients in a product, the more critical it is worth taking. If no sugar, fructose, glucose-fructose syrup or honey is mentioned in the list of ingredients, there shall be no added sugar in such a product.