It is made from grains, one of the essential food groups of a healthy diet, which can also include pasta, vegetables, fruits, fish and poultry. Pasta is the generic Italian name for many noodle-like and doughy. It is made in a wide variety of shapes and sizes.

It’s a good source of energy and can also give you fiber if it’s made from whole grains. This can help with stomach problems and help lower cholesterol. It keeps you full, that is, it can suppress your desire to eat for a long time. The basic ingredients are simple and inexpensive: flour, water, salt, and maybe some eggs. Pasta Whether you make it yourself or buy it in the store, it’s a great way to feed your family without breaking the bank. You can serve it as a starter, side dish or main course. Thanks to its affordability and culinary versatility, pasta is one of the easiest and most delicious dishes to make in the kitchen. Pasta provides you with energy as well as essential nutrients in the form of fiber, vitamins and minerals. Pair your pasta with healthy ingredients to create nutrient-packed meals. Pasta provides beneficial carbohydrates. A bowl of white spaghetti contains 43 grams of total carbohydrates, while an equivalent serving of whole wheat spaghetti offers 37 grams of total carbohydrates. Carbohydrates serve as the primary fuel source for your body. Whole wheat pasta also provides a significant amount of dietary fiber, a particularly beneficial type of carbohydrate. Fiber, It helps fight chronic diseases, including obesity and type 2 diabetes, and supports digestive health. Both white and whole wheat pastas serve as excellent sources of selenium, a mineral that activates antioxidant enzymes tasked with protecting your cells from molecular damage. A 1-cup serving of either type of pasta provides about two-thirds of your daily intake. Pasta also contains manganese, a mineral that helps you metabolize carbohydrates and regulate your blood sugar. One serving of whole-wheat pasta contains 1.9 milligrams of manganese. Eat white pasta as a source of folate or vitamin B-9, or opt for whole-wheat pasta as a source of the carotenoids lutein and zeaxanthin. Folate plays a role in red blood cell development and promotes rapid cell growth. Lutein and zeaxanthin support healthy vision. Carbohydrates are your body’s main source of energy, and lunchtime is when you need energy to prevent midday fatigue. When choosing a good source of carbohydrates, it’s important to choose complex carbohydrates such as whole grains so that your body breaks down sugar or refined carbohydrates more slowly than refined carbohydrates such as sugary foods. Complex sources also give you a way to incorporate healthy fiber, vitamins and minerals into your daily diet. It’s important to choose complex carbohydrates like whole grains so your body breaks down sugar or sugary foods more slowly than refined carbohydrates like. Complex sources also give you a way to incorporate healthy fiber, vitamins and minerals into your daily diet. It’s important to choose complex carbohydrates like whole grains so your body breaks down sugar or sugary foods more slowly than refined carbs. Complex sources also give you a way to incorporate healthy fiber, vitamins and minerals into your daily diet.

There are many ways to make pasta. There are many types and types of pasta. Likewise, there are people who make pasta with different recipes and ingredients in different regions. Pink pasta is a dish that children especially love and its preparation is similar to normal pasta recipes. Cheese and basil go well with pink macaroni. The ingredients that give pink pasta this vibrant and delicious-looking color are lemon juice and purple cabbage. Of course, instead of giving pink pasta its color by using vegetables, you can buy it ready-made in the markets. however, it is not recommended for the health of children, as food dyes and chemicals are sometimes used in the production of these pastas. Instead, you can use purple cabbage or different vegetables to make pasta that is both healthier and more vibrant in color.


  • 1/2 small head of purple cabbage / cut into chunks
  • 1/2 pack of pasta
  • 1/2 teaspoon olive oil / or 2 tablespoons butter
  • 1 small onion / finely chopped
  • 3-4 cloves of garlic / finely chopped
  • Juice of 1 small lemon / freshly squeezed
  • enough salt and pepper
  • 1 teaspoon pasta water / if needed

For the above;

  • Basil / finely chopped
  • Cheese / grated


To make pink pasta in a single pot, first add water to more than half of a large pot. After the water boils, lower the stove and put it on medium heat. Then put the purple cabbage in the water and let it boil. Continue cooking until the purple cabbage is tender. After the cabbage is cooked, drain the water and then transfer the cabbage to a bowl. Be careful not to spill the Cabbage juice while straining. We will take the main water into a large pot again and add a pinch of salt and continue the cooking process. After the cabbage juice boils with salt, add the pasta and cook it well. While the pasta is cooking, start the preparations for the sauce. In this context, take a medium-sized pan to the stove. Add olive oil and finely chopped onions to the pan. After frying the onions for 2-3 minutes, add the garlic and continue the sautéing process. After the onions are well caramelized, add lemon juice, salt and pepper and mix well. Add the cooked pasta to the sauce you prepared and let the pasta combine well with the sauce. If you have a large amount of pasta, you can add some pasta water to the sauce. After your pasta is boiled, you will see that it has a sweet pink color. You can use basil or cheese when serving pink pasta. If you have a large amount of pasta, you can add some pasta water to the sauce. After your pasta is boiled, you will see that it has a sweet pink color. You can use basil or cheese when serving pink pasta. If you have a large amount of pasta, you can add some pasta water to the sauce. After your pasta is boiled, you will see that it has a sweet pink color. You can use basil or cheese when serving pink pasta.


  1. Do not put oil in your water or on the pasta.

Adding oil to water or cooked pasta to keep it from sticking will cause the sauce to slide off the noodles. You also get oily pasta.

  1. Fill your pot properly.

When the pasta begins to cook and expand, use cold, fresh water, enough that there is still plenty of room for the noodles to move freely. Also, after adding the pasta, there should be enough water to stabilize the heat and allow it to boil again quickly.

  1. Salt the water.

Salting the water is your only chance to sweeten the pasta. The water must be salty to sweeten the pasta. At least 1 tablespoon of salt is required for three liters of water.

  1. Bring the water to a quick boil before adding the pasta.

Starches absorb water instantly and the water temperature must be extremely hot to start cooking the noodles properly. Pasta added too early gets wet and cooked incorrectly.

  1. Let go and mix.

As soon as you put your pasta into the water, mix it immediately. This prevents the pasta from sticking to each other or to the bottom or sides of the pan. Stir occasionally during the cooking process.

  1. Check the package for timing.

There are many methods for testing whether pasta is properly cooked, but your best starting point is to read the package. All types and brands of pasta have a suitable cooking time, which is indicated on the package. To be safe, start testing your pasta about two minutes before the specified time.

  1. Always save some cooking water.

Before emptying your pasta ladle, put a glass of boiling water in a bowl or measuring cup and set aside for your sauce. Drain your pasta just enough to remove most of its water, but don’t let the drained pasta “dry out”. As it cools, the starches will harden and the pasta will stick together.

  1. Add the pasta to the sauce – not the other way around.

Always prepare your sauce before cooking the pasta. Cooking pasta should be the last step in making your meal. Keep your sauce warm in a large saucepan large enough to add your noodles. Add immediately after emptying.