Taking care of your dehydrated skin is best done with a combination of skin-restoring and moisturizing ingredients, discover which ones suit your skin.

What is the difference between dry and dehydrated skin?

To find the right products for your skin, it is important to know what skin type you have and what condition your skin is in. A skin type is genetically determined and is measured by the production of sebum. Oily skin produces more sebum than dry skin. The difference between dehydrated skin and dry skin is that dehydrated skin lacks moisture and dry skin lacks fat. Dehydrated skin is a condition of the skin. This means that the condition of the skin can change. For example, another example of a skin condition is impure. To clarify; no one is born with impure or dehydrated skin. These are things that arise over time, as it were, and this can have various causes.

How do you recognize dehydrated skin?

The name says it all, dehydrated skin has a lack of moisture, but also has difficulty retaining moisture in the skin. Dehydrated skin often feels tight or even ‘tight’ and lines may be visible. Also, dehydrated skin often lacks radiance.

How does dehydrated skin develop?

We just explained that no one is born with dehydrated skin. You develop dehydrated skin and that can have various causes. The most common cause of dehydrated skin is a damaged skin barrier, for example due to the use of ‘wrong’ products; products that are too aggressive (at least for your skin) or products that simply do not suit your skin. A damaged skin barrier can also be caused by too hot, too often or too long showers, excessive scrubbing, but also, for example, due to the use of certain medicines. Finally, environmental factors can also cause dehydrated skin; air conditioning and heating, for example, can extract moisture from the skin. Your skin now contains too few substances that can retain or ‘transport’ the moisture in the skin to the deeper layers of the skin.as explained in this post and can therefore react (more) quickly to irritants in cosmetics. In addition, allergens and bacteria can more easily penetrate the skin if the skin barrier is out of balance.

Can you take care of dehydrated skin with water?

Although it may sound plausible to bring your dehydrated skin into contact with water, in reality it is unfortunately not that simple. You cannot take care of dehydrated skin with just water. On the contrary, water actually only dries out the skin, especially if your skin comes into contact with water a lot, especially if that is hot water. Dehydrated skin is also not well able to absorb water in the skin and retain it there. It is also important to drink enough water every day, but drinking a lot of water does not solve the problem of dehydrated skin. Dehydrated skin needs specific care, at Douglas For example, you can filter on moisturizing facial serums. We are going to explain to you what you can pay attention to when you are looking for facial care for your dehydrated skin.

Look for these ingredients!

What does your dehydrated skin actually need? To start with, skin-restoring ingredients, which restore the barrier of your skin. Beautiful skin-restoring ingredients are, for example, panthenol and niacinamide. Then you look for moisturizing substances, the so-called moisture binders. Examples include hyaluronic acid and glycerine. The advantage of a serum over a cream is that a serum contains an even higher concentration of active ingredients than a cream. Another addition that dehydrated skin can also benefit from are mineral oils. Opinions on mineral oils are very divided, but We speak from experience when We say that mineral oils can be very beneficial. What mineral oils do is put a ‘layer’ on the skin. With this layer you help your skin to retain the moisture in your skin, so that it does not evaporate. That is why mineral oil has been added in almost all creams for eczema. Lanolin is also a good example of a substance that can retain water in the skin, but it is something that not all skin can tolerate. However, you do not take care of your dehydrated skin with just a mineral oil. A skincare routine for dehydrated skin should therefore always consist of products that combine skin-restoring and moisture-retaining ingredients. but it is something that not all skin can tolerate. However, you do not take care of your dehydrated skin with just a mineral oil. A skincare routine for dehydrated skin should therefore always consist of products that combine skin-restoring and moisture-retaining ingredients. but it is something that not all skin can tolerate. However, you do not take care of your dehydrated skin with just a mineral oil. A skincare routine for dehydrated skin should therefore always consist of products that combine skin-restoring and moisture-retaining ingredients.