You can of course make your skincare routine as extensive as you want, but you should at least have these three basic skincare products in your bathroom.


A skincare routine; these are the 3 basic skincare products your skin needs

Taking good care of your skin is important to keep your skin healthy. And not only that, because as cliché as it may sound, healthy skin means beautiful skin. You can of course make your skincare routine as extensive as you want, but there are a few basic skincare products that every skin needs. These are a cleanser, a cream and a product with SPF. Such a basic skincare routine therefore consists of cleaning, moisturizing and protecting. In addition, it is important to look at which products your skin needs. For example, dry skin benefits from a different cream than dehydrated skin. Let’s take a look at how to pick out these three basic skincare products.

Choosing a cleanser

So one of your basic skincare products is a cleanser or facial cleanser† Your cream can only do its job properly on perfectly cleansed skin. In fact, there’s little point in applying a cream if you don’t start by cleansing your skin first. If you wear make-up, it often makes sense to first remove your make-up in the evening, and then clean your skin with a cleanser. So removing make-up and cleaning your skin are in fact two different steps. This is due to the fact that many cleansers are unable to remove makeup, especially not waterproof makeup. Cleaning your face with a product that you then rinse with water often works the most thoroughly. For example, you have cleansers in the form of a cream, mousse, gel, balm and oil. All these cleansers are rinsed off with water and can therefore be used both at the sink and in the shower. Which cleanser you pick, of course, depends on your preference. For example, some people like oily textures, while others prefer a cream texture. Certain textures are also better suited to certain skin types and skin conditions. For example, a gel is often nice for oily skin, while an oil and a cream are often nice for dry skin.

Choosing a face cream

After cleansing, you will take care of your skin with a facial cream . Here too you have endless choice; in terms of texture, packaging, smells, ‘promises’ and price of course. Dry skin mainly benefits from nourishing care and dehydrated skin from moisturizing care† An ‘older’ skin is often drier, so you often end up with a more nourishing cream. Oily skin often doesn’t like very oily / nourishing textures, and then you often end up with a lotion or gel-like texture. So, airtight packaging, tubes and pumps, are always preferable to jars with loose lids, because in such a packaging bacteria, light and oxygen have less chance of having a negative influence on the quality of your product. Finally, a (very) expensive cream is certainly not always better. My motto? A very expensive cream does not always contain only the best ingredients, nor in very high concentrations. On the other hand, you can’t expect a cream of five euros to contain full of good ingredients in the right concentrations. By ‘the right’ concentration I mean a concentration that actually benefits your skin. A brand can claim that its product is ‘rich in’ ingredient X, but if that ingredient is then at the bottom of the INCI list, you know that its concentration can never be very high. For a basic skincare routine it is in principle not necessary to have a separate cream for the night. Yes, there is definitely a difference between a day cream and a night cream, but we are of course really talking about the basics here. For a basic skincare routine it is in principle not necessary to have a separate cream for the night. Yes, there is definitely a difference between a day cream and a night cream, but we are of course really talking about the basics here. For a basic skincare routine it is in principle not necessary to have a separate cream for the night. Yes, there is definitely a difference between a day cream and a night cream, but we are of course really talking about the basics here.

Choosing a product with SPF

Your cupboard with basic skincare products should also contain a product with SPF; a sun protection. You can protect your skin with mineral filters, chemical filters or a combination thereof† There is quite a lot to tell about the difference between the different filters and one person has a strong preference for mineral filters, but the fact is and remains that you can protect your skin better with a product that according to some contains ‘questionable’ sun filters than no SPF at all. Exposure to sunlight, especially long-term exposure and unprotected exposure, is very bad for your skin. There are more and more face creams that already contain an SPF, which is handy. This is often an SPF 15 or SPF 20. There are even foundations and powders that have an SPF added. If you really go to the beach for a day, I would always recommend a separate product with a higher SPF. In principle, you can also use a product with SPF for the body on your face,

What other options are there besides these basic skincare products?

As I said, you can make your skincare routine as extensive as you want. In addition to these basic skincare products, you can of course add other products to your routine. For example, you can use a toner after cleaning. For applying a cream you still have the options of an essence and / or a serum or ‘booster’. After applying your cream, you can use a primer that, for example, makes it easier to apply your make-up and such a primer also ensures that your make-up stays in place better. There are special products available for the eye and lip contours and in between you could take extra care of your skin with a face mask. Instead of a ‘normal’ night cream, there are the so-called overnight masks. I will honestly say that most overnight masks are very similar in composition to night cream, only the texture is often a bit creamier or fuller. Once a week you can still scrub or exfoliate your skin to remove dead skin cells. You can buy all skin care products on dhgate at very reasonable prices.