How often can you wash your jeans?

You will want to wash jeans that you use intensively, so that they look neat and smell fresh. However, washing your jeans too often is not good. Due to frequent washing, the pants will wear out over time and the beautiful blue color will fade. We therefore recommend that you keep washing your jeans to a minimum. Sometimes washing is not necessary; for example, if your jeans smell a bit musty. You can then hang it outside in the fresh air, so that it smells wonderfully fresh again and can be worn another round. Is it raining outside? Then you can choose to put the pants in the freezer overnight. The cold temperature ensures that bacteria are killed and unpleasant odors disappear.

Wash your jeans every now and then to prevent wear

You may have heard that it is best not to wash your jeans at all. This is a myth. Accumulation of dirt in jeans can also shorten their lifespan. Dead skin cells and other dirt make the fibers of your pants wear out faster. This can even cause holes in your pants. In addition, you should occasionally expose the jeans to the water from the washing machine to prevent them from drying out. Washing your jeans every now and then is therefore highly recommended. Use the jeans washing tips below for this . This way you ensure that the fit remains nice and the colors do not fade.

General washing tips for your jeans

  1. Read the label of the jeans
    Always check the label of your jeans before you wash them. The washing instructions are not the same for every pair of jeans. Always follow the directions carefully to avoid shrinkage and fading.
  1. Wash the jeans at a low temperature
    . It is always best to wash your jeans at 30 degrees. This is how you keep the color and fit beautiful for as long as possible
  1. Use liquid detergent
    It is best to use a liquid detergent for washing your jeans. Powdered detergent can leave stains on dark jeans.
  1. Wash the jeans inside
    out Protect your jeans against damage in the washing machine by putting them inside out in the washing machine, with the buttons and zippers closed.
  1. Wash the jeans separately
    . Jeans can give off some color in the washing machine. That’s why it’s a good idea to wash the pants separately. Preferably do not put too many jeans together in one wash.

Washing tips for your jeans

Washing tips black jeans: slightly different

The above tips apply to blue jeans. Black jeans just require a different approach. Of course you want to prevent your new black jeans from turning gray after a few washes. To maintain the intense black color of your pants, you can soak them in a bowl of vinegar for the first time. This ensures that the dye sticks better to the fibers. It is better not to put black jeans in the dryer after washing. The color can also fade further in the dryer.

Curious about what else you can do to keep your black jeans beautiful? Read our article on how to wash black pants .

Don’t put your jeans in the dryer

Whether it’s black jeans or a nice indigo blue one: jeans don’t like dryers. The high temperatures of the dryer can cause your pants to shrink. This also applies to stretch jeans : in the dryer the elastane fibers in the pants melt together. As a result, your pants lose their elasticity and therefore also the nice fit and wearing comfort. It is therefore always better to let your pants dry naturally, so that the shape remains intact.