What gift idea for your girlfriend? Here you will find gift ideas to please your girlfriend (or your wife). When we ask ourselves the question “what to offer my girlfriend?” or “what to offer my wife?”, we should not think more about the financial value than the sentimental value of the object.

So, what gifts for your girlfriend? A good gift is something that touches her and that she will use with pleasure while thinking of you. As for money, the longer you have known her, the more you can invest without risking being ripped off.

Yeah, flowers and stuff, especially for a small date, it’s a bit cheesy.

gift idea


Gifts that don’t cost much but can really please your girlfriend

– A book (if she likes to read) that you can hand-sign for her like the writer himself would do “to my darling brunette, your koala love” .
– A CD of a band she likes or the DVD of a movie she loves or really wants to see. It will show her that you listen to her and that’s the most important thing… It makes her understand that she is unique and irreplaceable in your eyes.
– A scented candle, massage oil or essential oil if she’s into that. Girls like things that smell good, in general.
– Have a photo of the two of you developed and framed that has a special meaning.
– Visit a hard-to-access and romantic place together (for sportswomen or VIPs).


Should we make a surprise?

There are people who prefer to be surprised and others who absolutely want to order. It’s up to you to get to know the girl you’re going out with!


Gift idea: chocolates

Anything that is consumed like a good bottle or chocolates can be a good gift idea. It is not necessarily the gift idea for your most romantic girlfriend in the world. But it remains a safe bet!


Gift idea: jewelry (prices vary)

There aren’t many women who don’t like jewelry. But in any case, don’t give a ring if you don’t plan on marrying the girl. A ring has a hell of a symbolic value. Be careful! A Smart bracelet or a necklace, that seems to me a priori to be a better idea… Earrings too, that can be good.

On the other hand, as men, we often have trouble understanding something and knowing what a pretty piece of jewelry is. So, I have a thing: I like to casually stroll around the stores with my girlfriend and pay attention to what she likes. I don’t buy her something when she seems to like something, but I come back alone a few days later to get the piece of jewelry she’s been eyeing!

Then, if the girl often wears the jewelry you gave her, then she really likes you.

The advantage with this kind of gift is that the girl is likely to think of you every time she puts the jewel on. If you are in a long distance relationship then I would recommend you cool and smart bracelet for your girlfriend, check out Totwoo here, you can find the perfect and unique gift for your girlfriend.


Gift idea: a piece of clothing (prices vary)

Same strategy as with jewelry. A top or a dress often has its little effect! But you have to choose carefully, and that’s where it’s the most delicate…

Because if you take a size 40 when the girl only wears a 36, ​​you risk offending her.

Gift idea for your girlfriend: a perfume (usually quite expensive)

Perfume is usually quite expensive. If you go to stores like Sephora, you will also find a lot of creams and things that go well with perfume… in general, girls love these things.

But to be sure that your girlfriend will like this specific perfume that you have chosen, let her smell it among others the next time you go to a perfume store and ask her what she thinks.

Of course, don’t tell her why you’re making her smell perfumes “oh just like that!” Then, keep in mind the kind of stuff she likes!

The risk is of course that she doesn’t like surprises. So, if you haven’t been able to make her feel it before: either take something new in small quantities, or take back the one she usually takes!


A weekend somewhere (gift for two):

Women usually like to go on weekends with their man. The best thing is to plan a romantic setting like a snowy chalet in winter where you can make love on an animal skin in front of the fireplace.

Or it’s cool to include an activity during your weekend , like getting two tickets to a show by an artist she likes. These are great gift ideas for your girlfriend!

However, since you’re going to enjoy the gift too, it absolutely has to be something to please her FIRST. Like, a hotel in a place she dreams of going to. If you put your desires first and present it to her as a great gift idea for her, she might just think you’re selfish!!!


Avoid unromantic gifts at all costs.

What is an unromantic gift? A blender, a microwave, a strap-on dildo, etc. You get the idea… these are not good gift ideas for your girlfriend.

Even worse: A scale, a gym membership (is she fat?), an anti-wrinkle cream… Watch out for the gaffe!!! Girls can sometimes see “hidden messages” or misinterpret things sometimes.