During a day of shopping you are often tempted to just buy the first best, only to come to the conclusion that your proud purchase completely clashes with what you already have in your closet. Enter the capsule collection: the ideal wardrobe that consists of 37 pieces and includes everything you need. And everything fits together.

The principle

For three months you only wear clothes from a wardrobe that you put together in advance. All items match and are beautiful quality pieces that you also like to wear. You then supplement that basic wardrobe with a few seasonal extras. The idea is that you have an outfit for every occasion (so both for a day at the office and for going out with friends).

This is how you get started:

– First tidy up your wardrobe, take a good look at each item of clothing , maybe try it on again, decide whether you still want to wear it and how you can combine it.

– Garments that are seasonal , you put in a pile separately (so four different piles: spring – summer – autumn – winter).

– Take a very critical look at the basic wardrobe that you have left after clearing and selecting: is it not worn out yet, is it still in fashion and can you combine it with other pieces from the selection.

– Attention: underwear, sportswear, work clothes and all other ‘special’ clothes are not part of your capsule collection. So keep this one separately. Handbags and other accessories also do not count.

– Have you selected everything and have you come up with a small basic collection? Then see what is still missing and which parts need to be replaced, for example. A great reason to go shopping to get that specific item.

Replenish your capsule collection

The rule wants your capsule collection to consist of approximately 37 pieces . For example: 10 pairs of shoes, 7 skirts and trousers, 14 tops, 3 dresses and 3 jackets. If you are not a fan of dresses, your personal collection will probably contain more pants. If you like shoes, then you have more of them (to the detriment of something else from your wardrobe).

Is such a collection boring? Not at all! After all, you supplement your basic collection every season with trendy, fashion-bound pieces. Keep in mind the following rule: for every basic piece you add extra to your capsule, one must be removed.

Don’t be too strict

Putting together a capsule collection isn’t easy and it doesn’t have to be perfect. Perhaps you absolutely cannot do without 40 pieces, or is your basic collection just not quite right in terms of style and mutual combination options? In that case, don’t be too strict with yourself: it can sometimes take years before your perfect capsule is ready! But you are consciously busy with your wardrobe all this time, and that is the intention. Good luck!